Florida's Hillsborough County released on Tuesday the first footage inside the sinkhole that killed a Florida man in February as he slept in his bedroom.
The crater is about 20 feet wide and 60 feet deep.
The body of Jeff Bush, 37, was never recovered.
The video, shot the morning after the incident, was taken with a small camera attached to a pole that was slipped inside Bush's bedroom window, ABCActionNews reports.
At that time, the sides of the sinkhole were too unstable to send anyone down to rescue Bush. The house, has since been razed and the hole filled.
Sinkholes are found where the ground is made of soft rocks. Rain dissolves the rocks creating giant pits underneath the earth. Eventually, the top layer of rock can no longer support itself and the ground caves in.
SEE ALSO: The World's Biggest Sinkholes
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