In Newark, California, toward the southern edge of San Francisco Bay, 500,000 tons of salt is harvested each year by Cowgill Incorporated.
That seems like a large amount until you realize that there's an estimated 55 trillion metric tons of salt in the United States alone, according to
This giant salt facility in California is where what you see in the ocean ultimately becomes what you see on your table or in your favorite dish.
In a process that could take as long as five years, the salty brine from the ocean is evaporated out, filtered, further purified and processed to become what you put on your food.
California public television station KVIE has the video of how they harvest the salt, as featured on the PBS show America's Heartland.
This may look like a gigantic blizzard, but this is actually one of the largest salt facilities in the country.

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Salt farms like this have dated back to the 1850s in the U.S.

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Cargill Incorporated is now the only mass salt manufacturer in northern California, only harvesting salt during the summer time.

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